Package 'anyflights'

Title: Query 'nycflights13'-Like Air Travel Data for Given Years and Airports
Description: Supplies a set of functions to query air travel data for user- specified years and airports. Datasets include on-time flights, airlines, airports, planes, and weather.
Authors: Simon P. Couch [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Jay Lee [ctb], Dennis Irorere [ctb]
Maintainer: Simon P. Couch <[email protected]>
License: CC0
Built: 2024-10-05 03:25:51 UTC

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Query nycflights13-Like Air Travel Data


This function generates a list of dataframes similar to those found in the nycflights13 data package for any US airports and time frames. Please note that, even with a strong internet connection, this function may take several minutes to download relevant data.


anyflights(station, year, month = 1:12, dir = NULL)



A character vector giving the origin US airports of interest (as the FAA LID airport code).


A numeric giving the year of interest. This argument is currently not vectorized, as dataset sizes for single years are significantly large. Information for the most recent year is usually available by February or March in the following year.


A numeric giving the month(s) of interest.


An optional character string giving the directory to save datasets in. By default, datasets will not be saved to file.


The anyflights() function is a wrapper around the following functions:

  • get_airlines: Grab data to translate between two letter carrier codes and names

  • get_airports: Grab data on airport names and locations

  • get_flights: Grab data on all flights that departed given US airports in a given year and month

  • get_planes: Grab construction information about each plane

  • get_weather: Grab hourly meterological data for a given airport in a given year and month

The recommended approach to download data for many stations (airports) is to supply a vector of stations to the station argument rather than iterating over many calls to anyflights(). The faa column in dataframes outputted by get_airports() provides the FAA LID codes for all supported airports. See ?get_flights for more details on implementation.


A list of dataframes (and, optionally, a directory of datasets) similar to those found in the nycflights13 data package.

See Also

get_flights for flight data, get_weather for weather data, get_airlines for airlines data, get_airports for airports data, or get_planes for planes data.

Use the as_flights_package function to convert the output of this function to a data-only package.


# grab data on all flights departing from 
# Portland International Airport in June 2019 and 
# other useful metadata without saving to file
## Not run: anyflights("PDX", 2018, 6)

# ...or, grab that same data and opt to save the 
# file as well! (tempdir() can usually be specified 
# as a character string giving the path to a folder)
## Not run: anyflights("PDX", 2018, 6, tempdir())

anyflights: 'nycflights13'-Like Data for Specified Years and Airports


The anyflights package supplies a set of functions to generate nycflights13-like datasets and data packages for specified years and airports.


Maintainer: Simon P. Couch [email protected]

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

Generate a Data Package from 'anyflights' Data


Generate a data-only package, including documentation, from data outputted by the 'anyflights()' function. Please do not submit the outputted package to CRAN or similar repositories as original packages.


as_flights_package(data, name = make.names(deparse(substitute(data))))



A named list of dataframes outputted by anyflights.


The desired name of the resulting package as a character string. The package will check that the supplied package name is valid using the regular expression .standard_regexps()$valid_package_name, and save the output in a directory by the same name. Defaults to make.names(deparse(substitute(data))).


A directory containing a data-only package built around the supplied data.

Query nycflights13-Like Airlines Data


This function generates a dataframe similar to the airlines dataset from nycflights13 for any US airports and time frame. Please note that, even with a strong internet connection, this function may take several minutes to download relevant data.


get_airlines(dir = NULL, flights_data = NULL)



An optional character string giving the directory to save datasets in. By default, datasets will not be saved to file.


Optional—either a filepath as a character string or a dataframe outputted by get_flights that will be used to subset the output to only include relevant carriers/planes. If not supplied, all carriers/planes will be returned.


A data frame with <2k rows and 2 variables:


Two or three length letter or number abbreviation. In cases whgere the the Unique Carrier Code has been use more than once, a suffix is added. ex. ML, ML (1). This list matches the 'Reporting_Airline' field in the BTS documentation for the flights data set


Full name


See Also

get_flights for flight data, get_weather for weather data, get_airports for airports data, get_planes for planes data, or anyflights for a wrapper function.

Use the as_flights_package function to convert this dataset to a data-only package.


# run with defaults
## Not run: get_airlines()

# if you'd like to only return the airline 
# abbreviations only for airlines that appear in 
# \code{flights}, query your flights dataset first, 
# and then supply it as a flights_data argument
## Not run: get_airlines(flights_data = get_flights("PDX", 2018, 6))

Query nycflights13-Like Airports Data


This function generates a dataframe similar to the airports dataset from nycflights13 for any US airports and time frame. Please note that, even with a strong internet connection, this function may take several minutes to download relevant data.


get_airports(dir = NULL)



An optional character string giving the directory to save datasets in. By default, datasets will not be saved to file.


A data frame with ~1350 rows and 8 variables:


FAA airport code


Usual name of the airport

lat, lon

Location of airport


Altitude, in feet


Timezone offset from GMT/UTC


Daylight savings time zone. A = Standard US DST: starts on the second Sunday of March, ends on the first Sunday of November. U = unknown. N = no dst.


IANA time zone, as determined by GeoNames webservice


See Also

get_flights for flight data, get_weather for weather data, get_airlines for airlines data, get_planes for planes data, or anyflights for a wrapper function.

Use the as_flights_package function to convert this dataset to a data-only package.


# grab airports data
## Not run: get_airports()

Query nycflights13-Like Flights Data


This function generates a dataframe similar to the flights dataset from nycflights13 for any US airport and time frame. Please note that, even with a strong internet connection, this function may take several minutes to download relevant data.


get_flights(station, year, month = 1:12, dir = NULL, ...)



A character vector giving the origin US airports of interest (as the FAA LID airport code).


A numeric giving the year of interest. This argument is currently not vectorized, as dataset sizes for single years are significantly large. Information for the most recent year is usually available by February or March in the following year.


A numeric giving the month(s) of interest.


An optional character string giving the directory to save datasets in. By default, datasets will not be saved to file.


Currently only used internally.


This function currently downloads data for all stations for each month supplied, and then filters out data for relevant stations. Thus, the recommended approach to download data for many airports is to supply a vector of airport codes to the station argument rather than iterating over many calls to get_flights().


A data frame with ~1k-500k rows and 19 variables:

year, month, day

Date of departure

dep_time, arr_time

Actual departure and arrival times, UTC.

sched_dep_time, sched_arr_time

Scheduled departure and arrival times, UTC.

dep_delay, arr_delay

Departure and arrival delays, in minutes. Negative times represent early departures/arrivals.

hour, minute

Time of scheduled departure broken into hour and minutes.


Two letter carrier abbreviation. See get_airlines to get full name


Plane tail number


Flight number

origin, dest

Origin and destination. See get_airports for additional metadata.


Amount of time spent in the air, in minutes


Distance between airports, in miles


Scheduled date and hour of the flight as a POSIXct date. Along with origin, can be used to join flights data to weather data.


If you are repeatedly getting a timeout error when downloading flights, this could be because your download is taking longer than the default timeout R option. You can change the timeout value for your R session by running the code options(timeout = timeout_value_in_seconds) in your console.


RITA, Bureau of transportation statistics,

See Also

get_weather for weather data, get_airlines for airlines data, get_airports for airports data, get_planes for planes data, or anyflights for a wrapper function.

Use the as_flights_package function to convert this dataset to a data-only package.


# flights out of Portland International in June 2018
## Not run: get_flights("PDX", 2018, 6)

# ...or the original nycflights13 flights dataset
## Not run: get_flights(c("JFK", "LGA", "EWR"), 2013)

# use the dir argument to indicate the folder to 
# save the data in \code{dir} as "flights.rda"
## Not run: get_flights("PDX", 2018, 6, dir = tempdir())

Query nycflights13-Like Planes Data


This function generates a dataframe similar to the planes dataset from nycflights13 for any US airports and time frame. Please note that, even with a strong internet connection, this function may take several minutes to download relevant data.


get_planes(year, dir = NULL, flights_data = NULL)



A numeric giving the year of interest. This argument is currently not vectorized, as dataset sizes for single years are significantly large. Information for the most recent year is usually available by February or March in the following year.


An optional character string giving the directory to save datasets in. By default, datasets will not be saved to file.


Optional—either a filepath as a character string or a dataframe outputted by get_flights that will be used to subset the output to only include relevant carriers/planes. If not supplied, all carriers/planes will be returned.


A data frame with ~3500 rows and 9 variables:


Tail number


Year manufactured


Type of plane

manufacturer, model

Manufacturer and model

engines, seats

Number of engines and seats


Average cruising speed in mph


Type of engine


FAA Aircraft registry,

See Also

get_flights for flight data, get_weather for weather data, get_airlines for airlines data, get_airports for airports data, or anyflights for a wrapper function.

Use the as_flights_package function to convert this dataset to a data-only package.


# grab airplanes data for 2018
## Not run: get_planes(2018)

# if you'd like to only return the planes that appear 
# in \code{flights}, query your flights dataset first, 
# and then supply it as a \code{flights_data} argument
## Not run: get_planes(2018, 
                 flights_data = get_flights("PDX", 2018, 6))
## End(Not run)

Query nycflights13-Like Weather Data


This function generates a dataframe similar to the weather dataset from nycflights13 for any US airports and time frame. Please note that, even with a strong internet connection, this function may take several minutes to download relevant data.


get_weather(station, year, month = 1:12, dir = NULL)



A character vector giving the origin US airports of interest (as the FAA LID airport code).


A numeric giving the year of interest. This argument is currently not vectorized, as dataset sizes for single years are significantly large. Information for the most recent year is usually available by February or March in the following year.


A numeric giving the month(s) of interest.


An optional character string giving the directory to save datasets in. By default, datasets will not be saved to file.


A data frame with ~1k-25k rows and 15 variables:


Weather station. Named origin to facilitate merging with flights data

year, month, day, hour

Time of recording, UTC

temp, dewp

Temperature and dewpoint in F


Relative humidity

wind_dir, wind_speed, wind_gust

Wind direction (in degrees), speed and gust speed (in mph)


Precipitation, in inches


Sea level pressure in millibars


Visibility in miles


Date and hour of the recording as a POSIXct date, UTC


ASOS download from Iowa Environmental Mesonet,

See Also

get_flights for flight data, get_airlines for airlines data, get_airports for airports data, get_planes for planes data, or anyflights for a wrapper function.

Use the as_flights_package function to convert this dataset to a data-only package.


# query weather at Portland International in June 2018
## Not run: get_weather("PDX", 2018, 6)

# ...or the original nycflights13 weather dataset
## Not run: get_weather(c("JFK", "LGA", "EWR"), 2013)

# use the dir argument to indicate the folder to 
# save the data in as "weather.rda"
## Not run: get_weather("PDX", 2018, 6, dir = tempdir())