gbfs 1.3.10 (2025-01-13)
- Transitioned from deprecated
in package tests (#12).
gbfs 1.3.9 (2024-01-25)
- Fixed bug where non-english feeds couldn't be accessed using the top-level
gbfs feed URL (#10).
- Update URLs to reflect the transition of the gbfs source from the NABSA
GitHub organization to MobilityData (#9).
- Update URLs in examples and unit tests to reflect bikeshare systems
adjusting operations.
- Address CRAN check NOTEs related to help-file formatting.
gbfs 1.3.8 (2022-08-15)
- Changed default development branch name from
to main
- Fixed HTML5 NOTEs on R devel checks.
gbfs 1.3.7 (2021-04-03)
- Update URLs in examples and unit tests to reflect bikeshare systems
adjusting operations due to COVID-19
- Catch errors while fetching .json data and return a more informative
message on timeout and HTTP 400 errors
gbfs 1.3.6 (2021-01-07)
- Introduce support for the new system ID key to improve stability of
argument matching. This is now the recommended method for specifying the
system of interest!
- Switch from Travis to GitHub Actions for continuous integration
- Update URLs in examples and unit tests to reflect bikeshare systems
adjusting operations due to COVID-19
gbfs 1.3.5 (2020-11-05)
- Update URLs in examples and unit tests to reflect bikeshare systems
adjusting operations due to COVID-19
gbfs 1.3.4 (2020-10-05)
- Update URLs in examples and unit tests to reflect bikeshare systems
adjusting operations due to COVID-19
gbfs 1.3.3 (2020-06-07)
- Catch errors while fetching .json data and return a more informative
message on timeout and HTTP 400 errors
- Update URLs in examples and unit tests to reflect bikeshare systems
adjusting operations due to COVID-19
gbfs 1.3.2 (2020-02-14)
- Several fixes for bugs arising from NABSA’s update to the gbfs spec
(gbfs 1.1-RC)
- Improved error message for multiple cities matching the supplied
- Accomodate valid json URLs with no .json file extension
gbfs 1.3.1 (2020-01-09)
- All package functions requiring internet access now immediately
check the internet connection upon being called, raising a message
and returning an empty list if an internet connection is not
gbfs 1.3.0 (2020-01-08)
- The main wrapper function,
, can now return its output as
a named list, where each entry is a GBFS dataframe.
- Results will now be returned by default (note that these changes are
non-breaking–the new default settings would error out in previous
versions, and previously valid arguments still return results in the
same way.)
- Added a
function, which supplies a table
giving all of the available feeds for a city!
- Extended flexibility of the
argument–in addition to a string
that matches the city name, the package can now find the appropriate
feed given any subfeed of a bikeshare system.
- Extend argument checking.
- Make error messages more informative.
- Documentation improvements.
- Code refactoring.
gbfs 1.2.0 (2019-09-10)
- Addressed errors arising from new columns types introduced in the
new NABSA GBFS guidelines.
- Added the
argument, allowing users to either save the
outputs as .Rds
files or return them as list or dataframe objects.
As a result, the directory argument is no longer required if output = "return"
- Minor bug fixes and documentation improvements
gbfs 1.1.0 (2018-09-21)
- Thanks to Mark Padgham (@mpadge), we’ve introduced a new function
that lists all of the cities currently releasing
feeds! This function will help inform users who do not have a
specific city already in mind.
- Add functionality for new column types introduced in the new NABSA
GBFS guidelines.
- Minor bug fixes (unused imports, vignette errors, etc.)