Package 'gbfs'

Title: Interface with Live Bikeshare Data
Description: Supplies a set of functions to interface with bikeshare data following the General Bikeshare Feed Specification, allowing users to query and accumulate tidy datasets for specified cities/bikeshare programs.
Authors: Simon P. Couch [aut, cre], Kaelyn Rosenberg [aut], Mark Padgham [ctb]
Maintainer: Simon P. Couch <[email protected]>
License: CC0
Built: 2024-09-22 03:46:08 UTC

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Package: gbfs


The gbfs package allows users to query tidy datasets about bikeshare programs around the world by supplying a set of functions to interface with .json feeds following the General Bikeshare Feed Specification, a standard data release format developed by the North American Bikeshare Association.


The main function exported by this package is get_gbfs(), which grabs every feed released by a city. Alternatively, the user can just grab information on specific feeds (or groups of feeds).

Each of the feeds described below can be queried with the get_suffix() function, where suffix is replaced with the name of the relevant feed.

Although all of the feeds are livestreamed, only a few of the datasets change often:


Supplies the number of available bikes and docks at each station as well as station availability


Gives the coordinates and metadata on available bikes that are parked, but not at a station.

In this package, these two datasets are considered "dynamic", and can be specified as desired datasets by setting 'feeds = "dynamic" in the main wrapper function in the package, get_gbfs.

Much of the data supplied in this specification can be considered static. If you want to grab all of these for a given city, set feeds = "static" when calling get_gbfs. Static feeds include:


Basic metadata about the bikeshare program


Information on the capacity and coordinates of stations

Several optional feeds:

system_hours, system_calendar, system_regions, system_pricing_plans, and system_alerts


Maintainer: Simon P. Couch [email protected]


Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

Grab the free_bike_status feed.


Grab a dataframe giving the geographic location and other metadata of bikeshare bikes not parked at bikeshare stations. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "free_bike_status.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on the argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current station_information feed, a dataframe object, or both. If a saved feed of the same type already exists at the filepath, the feed will be appended to rather than overwritten.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# grab the free bike status feed for portland, oregon's bikeshare program 
get_free_bike_status(city = 
output = "return")

Grab bikeshare data


get_gbfs grabs bikeshare data supplied in the General Bikeshare Feed Specification format for a given city. By default, the function returns the results as a named list of dataframes, but to make accumulation of datasets over time straightforward, the user can also save the results as .Rds files that will be automatically row-binded. Metadata for each dataset can be found at:


get_gbfs(city, feeds = "all", directory = NULL, output = NULL)



A character string that can be matched to a city or a url to an active gbfs.json feed. See get_gbfs_cities for a current list of available cities.


Optional. A character string specifying which feeds should be saved. Options are "all", "static", and "dynamic".


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will will be saved.


Optional. The type of output method. By default, output method will be inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the dataframes will be saved as .rds objects in the given folder. If output = "return", the results will be returned as a named list of dataframes. Setting output = "both" will do both. If both are left as NULL, the result will be returned and not saved to file.


The output of this function depends on the arguments supplied to output and directory. Either a folder of .rds dataframes saved at the given path, a returned named list of dataframes, or both. The function will raise an error if the directory and output arguments seem to conflict.


# grab all of the feeds released by portland's 
# bikeshare program and return them as a 
# named list of dataframes
get_gbfs(city = "biketown_pdx")

# if, rather than returning the data, we wanted to save it:
get_gbfs(city = "biketown_pdx", directory = tempdir())

# note that, usually, we'd supply a character string 
# (like "pdx", maybe,) to the directory argument 
# instead of `tempdir()`. 

# if we're having trouble specifying the correct feed,
# we can also supply the actual URL to the feed
get_gbfs(city = "")
# the examples above grab every feed that portland releases.
# if, instead, we just wanted the dynamic feeds
get_gbfs(city = "biketown_pdx", feeds = "dynamic")

Get table of all cities releasing GBFS feeds


Get table of all cities releasing GBFS feeds




A data.frame of all cities issuing GBFS feeds. The 'Auto-Discovery URL' column supplies the relevant .json feeds, while the entries in the 'URL' column take the user to the public-facing webpage of the programs.


North American Bikeshare Association, General Bikeshare Feed Specification

Grab the station_information feed.


get_station_information grabs and tidies the station_information feed for a given city. This dataset contains locations, capacity, and other information about bikeshare stations. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "station_information.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# grab the free bike status feed for portland, oreoon's bikeshare program 
get_station_information(city = 
                        output = "return")

Grab the station_status feed.


Grab a dataframe giving the geographic location and other metadata of bikeshare bikes parked at bikeshare stations. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "station_status.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on the argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current station_information feed, a dataframe object, or both. If a saved feed of the same type already exists at the filepath, the feed will be appended to rather than overwritten.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# we can grab the free bike status feed for portland, 
# oregon's bikeshare program in several ways! the most 
# straightforward way is just to supply the `city` argument
# as a string:
get_station_status(city = "biketown_pdx")

# the `city` argument can also be supplied as an
# actual URL to an active .json feed
get_station_status(city = 

Grab the system_alerts feed.


get_system_alerts grabs and tidies the system_alerts feed for a given city. This feed informs users about changes to normal operation. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "system_alerts.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# grab the system alerts feed for portland, oregon
get_system_alerts(city = 
                  output = "return")

Grab the system_calendar feed.


get_system_calendar grabs and tidies the system_calendar feed for a given city. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "system_calendar.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# grab the system calendar feed for portland, oregon
get_system_calendar(city = 
                    output = "return")

Grab the system_hours feed.


get_system_hours grabs and tidies the system_hours feed for a given city. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "system_hours.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# grab the system hours feed for portland, oregon
get_system_hours(city = 
                 output = "return")

Grab the system_information feed.


get_system_information grabs and tidies the system_information feed for a given city. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "system_information.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# we can grab the free bike status feed for portland, 
# oregon's bikeshare program in  several ways! first, supply the `city` 
# argument as a URL, and save to file by leaving output 
# set to it's default. usually, we would supply a character 
# string (like "pdx", maybe,) for the `directory` argument 
# instead of `tempdir`.
get_system_information(city = 
                       directory = tempdir())
# or, instead, just supply the name of 
# the city as a string and return the output as a dataframe
get_system_information(city = "biketown_pdx",  
                       output = "return")

Grab the system_pricing_plans feed.


get_system_pricing_plans grabs and tidies the system_pricing_plans feed for a given city. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "system_pricing_plans.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.

Grab the system_regions feed.


get_system_regions grabs and tidies the system_regions feed for a given city. Metadata for this dataset can be found at:


  directory = NULL,
  file = "system_regions.rds",
  output = NULL



A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


Optional. Path to a folder (or folder to be created) where the feed will be saved.


Optional. The name of the file to be saved (if output is set to "save" or "both"), as a character string. Must end in ".rds".


Optional. The type of output method. If left as default, this argument is inferred from the directory argument. If output = "save", the object will be saved as an .rds object at # the given path. If output = "return", the output will be returned as a dataframe object. Setting output = "both" will do both.


The output of this function depends on argument to output and directory. Either a saved .rds object generated from the current feed, a dataframe object, or both.

See Also

[get_gbfs()] for a wrapper to call each of the get_feed functions, [get_gbfs_cities()] for a dataframe of cities releasing gbfs functions, and [get_which_gbfs_feeds()] for a dataframe of which feeds are released by a given city.


# we can grab the system regions feed for portland, 
# oregon in one of several ways! first, supply the `city` 
# argument as a URL, and save to file by leaving output 
# set to it's default. usually, we would supply a character 
# string (like "pdx", maybe,) for the `directory` argument 
# instead of `tempdir`.
get_system_regions(city = 
                   directory = tempdir())
# or, instead, just supply the name of 
# the city as a string and return the output
# as a dataframe
get_system_regions(city = "biketown_pdx",  
                   output = "return")

Get dataframe of bikeshare feeds released by a city


Of the different types of feeds supplied by the gbfs, some are required, some are conditionally required, and some are optional. This function grabs a list of each of the feeds supplied by a given city, as well as the URLs to access them.





A character string that can be matched to a gbfs feed. The recommended argument is a system ID supplied in the output of [get_gbfs_cities()], but will also attempt to match to the URL of an active .json feed or city name.


A data.frame containing the feeds supplied by a city. . The 'feed' column supplies the name of the relevant .json feeds, while the entries in the 'URL' column supply the feeds themselves.


North American Bikeshare Association, General Bikeshare Feed Specification


# grab all of the feeds released by portland
get_which_gbfs_feeds(city = "biketown_pdx")